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Depart from home country arriving in Nairobi in evening hours where you will be received by our airport representative and transferred to a city hotel;


Day 1


Depart from home country arriving in Nairobi in evening hours where you will be received by our airport representative and transferred to a city hotel;

Overnight at The Tribe/ Nairobi Serena/The Boma booked on Bed and Breakfast;
Meals-only Breakfast in Nairobi, Lunch and dinner pay direct

Day 2


Depart Nairobi after breakfast and depart southwards to Amboseli National Park famous for its spectacular view of the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro (weather permitting). Arrive at Amboseli in time for lunch and at 1600hrs enjoy an afternoon game viewing drive in the park.

Overnight at Amboseli Serena safari Lodge booked on Full Board Basis

Meals –Breakfast in Nairobi, Lunch and Dinner in Amboseli

Day 3


Full Day in Amboseli with game drives at 0630 hrs and 1600 hrs. Amboseli National Park, at the foot of Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, is one of Kenya's most popular national parks. It lies 150 miles south-east of Nairobi, very close to the Tanzania border. The snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the clouds dominates every aspect of Amboseli.

Overnight at Amboseli Serena safari Lodge booked on Full Board Basis

Meals – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in Amboseli

Day 4


After breakfast, depart Amboseli for Tsavo west national park arriving in time for lunch at the hotel. .The world's most magnificent game viewing awaits you! Vast herds of dust-red elephant, fat pods of hippo, giant crocodiles, teeming herds of savannah dwellers plus a fantasia of birds and magical flora flourish here. The Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary protects Tsavo's growing population of endangered black rhino, successfully inching their way back from the brink of extinction caused by rampant poaching in the 1960's. Beautiful Lake Jipe, straddling the Kenya/Tanzania border, offers memorable experiences of abundant aquatic and bird life viewing - from a hired boat!.

Overnight at Kilaguni Serena safari lodge booked on Full Board;

Meals – Breakfast in Amboseli, Lunch and Dinner in Tsavo West

Day 5


Depart Tsavo west after breakfast for Tsavo east National Park arriving in time for lunch. Tsavo East National Park lies to the east of the Nairobi - Mombasa highway, equi-distant between Nairobi and Mombasa and offers a vast and untapped arena of arid bush which is washed by the azure and emerald meanderings of the Galana River, guarded by the limitless lava reaches of the Yatta Plateau and patrolled by some of the largest elephant herds in Kenya.

Overnight at Ashnil Aruba lodge booked on Full Board;

Meals – Breakfast in Tsavo West, Lunch and Dinner; in Tsavo East

Day 6


After breakfast you will drive back to Mombasa. Arrive in Mombasa and check in to your beach hotel.

Overnight at Mombasa Serena or Severin Sea Lodge booked on Half Board:

Meals – Breakfast in Tsavo, with either Lunch or Dinner in the Beach Hotel

Day 7


The next two days will be spent in the hotel with an option of a city tour available with prior arrangements and at an extra charge. There is no activity planned during this day and therefore no transport arrangements have been put in place.

Overnight at Mombasa Serena or Severin Sea Lodge booked on Half Board:

Meals - Breakfast, with either Lunch or Dinner in the Beach Hotel

Day 8


The next two days will be spent in the hotel with an option of a city tour available with prior arrangements and at an extra charge. There is no activity planned during this day and therefore no transport arrangements have been put in place.

Overnight at Mombasa Serena or Severin Sea Lodge booked on Half Board:

Meals - Breakfast, with either Lunch or Dinner in the Beach Hotel

Day 9


After Breakfast in the hotel, transfer to the Mombasa International Airport for your flight your flight back home.

Mombasa Hotels booked on Half Board Basis
Arrival and departure airport transfer in Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta Inter Airport.
Accommodation as per the itinerary
Hotel in Nairobi are booked on bed & breakfast
Lodges/camps in the Game Reserves are booked on Full Board
Road transportation in custom made safari vehicle
Game drives as per the itinerary
Park entrance fees
Drinking water throughout the safari;2 bottles per person per day
English driver-guides available for the safari
Our 24hours support throughout the safari
All meals included

Flight to and from Mombasa
All International Flights/local Flights + Taxes
Visa fees, Travel & Personal accident insurance
Excursions, services and activities not mentioned in this program
Personal expenses e.g. laundry, telephone calls, Drinks, Tips and gratuities